“The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.” William H. Gass
I began writing when I was just 10-years-old. It allowed me to be creative, to let my imagination roam free. But it wasn’t until I was much older that I decided I wanted to be a writer. This was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
Of course, it’s not as glamorous as one may think. It’s not nearly as easy as non-writers believe it to be either. There are some days that are easier than others. Some days I write 2,000 words of my novel, other days I write 500. Sometimes I got a day or two without writing and other times I got a week or two without writing.
When you write you start asking yourself all sorts of questions: Who’s going to read this? Is this any good? Should I self-publish this or go with a publisher? Should I try to get an agent first? Do I need to hire an editor? Should I just give it to beta-readers?
They say to stop thinking like that and just write the story. It’s something that’s easier said than done, but it’s true. Just write.
Feeling lonely? Sad? Angry? Excited? Write about it.
Did you get a crazy idea for a novel, but it doesn’t make any sense? Write about it.
Do you have no idea what you want to write about? Just start writing. Something will come to you.
What if you have too many ideas at once? Pick one out of a hat and start writing.
Writing helps in more ways than one, whether you want it to be your career or it helps you go from day to day. Either way, just write. Writing is your best friend, your best outlet. Whether you’re writing a fictional novel, a memoir, or just writing in a journey before bed, it helps.
When in doubt, just write.
And what if you can’t write? Read.
Born and raised in Massachusetts, Rachel is a writer and blogger. By day, she’s a special ed. preschool teacher and nanny, and by night (and very early morning), she’s a freelance writer, blogger, and book reviewer. When she’s not doing any of those things, she’s usually playing video games, playing with her dog, cat, and turtle, or making faces at her two fish tanks. She enjoys writing young adult novels, middle-grade, and children’s picture books. She is currently working on her first novel, a mystery.
Feel free to connect with her anywhere you can find her on the Internet:

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Hi Rachel!

    I think if I had to pick out the very best advice in all that you said, it might be, “When you can’t write, read”.

    Thanks for the post!


    1. Rachel says:

      Hi, Paul! Thanks, I’m glad you found the article useful to you. 🙂 Thanks for reading and commenting!


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